Who is Coming Next Rev 19 or 6? Which Jesus Are You Looking for?

1 year ago

I hear the talk and have seen the church signs - but they are wrong! The Risen Jesus Christ is not next on the calendar. The real risen Jesus is coming, but not yet!

There is 'another' Jesus coming first - and he is coming next. Well, after the cutting off of the Gentile nation, informally yet popularly called the 'rapture, then 'you' will start seeing some real action.' Don't get excited, though. It isn't the risen Jesus Christ coming down out of the sky.

So, if you are getting concerned and are hoping Jesus is coming... or if you are heavy into the latest worship craze... or if you attending a local church that is preaching Jesus is coming soon, then get a King James Bible and look to Paul and realize that the Jesus that is coming next is NOT the risen Saviour. It is the devil himself.

I also show you the original thoughts of Satan and that are still in effect for today. So don't fall for this modern stuff you can hear anywhere and everywhere to scratch your itching ears.

I will show you the similarities yet major differences between Satan coming in Revelation 6:1-4 and the real Risen Christ in Revelation 19.

If you are getting concerned with all that is going on in the world right now or if you afraid for you and your family, pay attention to this presentation. You do not have to endure to the end.

Your concern should be, "Do you have the real Jesus Christ or 'another Jesus?'

If you want the actual PowerPoint Presentation or the audio, visit my website at www.paulson1611rd.org.

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