A Million Miles Away

10 months ago

What do you call someone whose roots run deep in the soil, yet manages to keep his head in the clouds?
That’s a giant of a man.
And that’s a fair description of 61-year-old former NASA astronaut, Jose Hernandez, one of two Hispanic astronauts launched into space on the shuttle in 2009.
Hernandez told the Christian Post that even as a child he felt “a clear calling from God” to explore space, inspired by watching Apollo astronaut Eugene Cernan walk on the moon in 1972.
And how did his dreams of space exploration come true?
Hernandez credits the guidance of a teacher, his mother, his wife, and especially his father, a migrant worker whose wisdom was not hindered by that third-grade education. Hernandez outlines the 5-step plan for success his dad laid out for him…quote…find your purpose in life; recognize how far you are; draw a roadmap; if you don’t know how, learn; and when you think you’ve made it, you probably have to work harder.”
Hernandez never did give up, being selected for the space shuttle program in 2004 at the age of 42. The competition was stiff. He was rejected 11 times and was one of just 12 astronauts chosen from a pool of 12-thousand applicants at the time of his selection.
His story of beating the odds was turned into a 2012 movie entitled, “A Million Miles Away,” which hit the number one spot after its premiere on Amazon Prime. Congratulations…Jose Hernandez.

Source: https://ijr.com/find-your-purpose-in-life-former-migrant-worker-shares-how-he-became-an-astronaut/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=ijr-breaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=firefly

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