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Proverb 28-2

1 year ago

In the pages of the Bible, we find wisdom to address virtually every situation occurring in our private or public lives. Given the nature of the rebellion, political, and social upheavals in this land, America is long overdue for a scriptural check-up. The Book of Proverbs was written by King David’s son, Solomon, widely regarded as the wisest ruler in recorded history. After he assumed the throne of Israel, Solomon was honest and humble enough to confess his need of wisdom from God. This pleased the Lord who gave him his request and a whole lot more.
Solomon’s rule was the golden age of the Israeli monarchy. He acquired vast amounts of gold, silver, precious stones, and the finest timber; enough to build not only a temple for the Lord, but also to erect edifices for his own use and to adorn them with the finest luxuries of the ancient world. During Solomon’s rule, no challenges to his authority were recorded in the Bible. Domestic and international tranquility and plenty were the hallmarks of his reign.
Holy Spirit revealed to Solomon the internal strife that can arise when a people forgets its God and falls into sin. As new depths of depravity are plumbed and promoted in our society, we see partisan wrangling and destructive racial policies tearing the nation apart. Suicidal, insane goals are set…from the chemical castration and mutilation of children to the teaching of sexual practices in school libraries to the unvetted flow of millions of foreign nationals across our borders with unknown agendas. Rebels riot in streets where the homeless multiply. As government grows out of control, and personal freedoms vanish, our “many princes” have abandoned THE KING in their thirst for money and power, and the nation suffers.
What is required to restore a Godly rule? America must fall to its knees and implore (and work to obtain) the election of a man anointed by God to finish the job. With election 2024 quickly approaching, we must seek the Lord’s face for mercy, wisdom, and grace all the more.







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