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The Unknown Terrorist

1 year ago

He attends church every Sunday, and sometimes on Wednesday. He pays all of his taxes and tithes on time. He (or she) sends the kids to parochial schools, or attends all the school board meetings to voice concerns at public schools.
The unknown terrorist works 9 to 5, or any other 8-hour shift to support his or her family. These threats to society volunteer time at local charities. They salute the Stars and Stripes, believe in the Constitution and the Bible, say grace over every meal, and recite bedtime prayers nightly with the family.
He (or she) believes in the sanctity of God-instituted marriage and all human life, born and unborn. This terrorist may well have served in America’s armed forces, and takes seriously the pledge to protect his nation, his state, and his family.
The operation is SO clandestine that these Top-Secret terrorists are unknown even to themselves.
No, only the FBI is qualified to identify these law-abiding, patriotic, born-again Americans as threats to the Republic. These are MAGA Republicans, followers of Jesus Christ and Donald Trump, in that order. Now that 91 criminal charges have been filed against the former President, his followers are also FBI targets, according to classified data obtained by Newsweek. And their unacceptable political and religious points of view have transformed these MAGA followers into terrorists because…well, just because…


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