1 year ago

"Weakness arouses evil" Mike Pence. Mike would know, he is the incarnation of weakness.
USA Civil War = Started by the left (Democrats)
WW1 = Democrat in the White House
WW2 = Democrat in the White House
Korean War = Democrat in the White House
Cuban Missile Crisis = Democrat in the White House
Vietnam War = Democrat in the White House
Iranian Hostage Crisis = Democrat in the White House
Gulf War = RINO/CINO in the White House
World Trade Center Bombing (1993) = Democrat in the White House
9/11 War = RINO/CINO in the White House (with a Clinton assist)
2023 Ukraine/Middle East wars = Democrat in the White House



"In the lead up to the war, April Glaspie met with Hussein on July 25, 1990, indicating in a conversation that he may have Kuwait claiming that whatever he does to solve his dispute is not within US interests. Leading up to the first Gulf War, on September 11, 1990, President George H.W. Bush addressing the United Nations stated: "Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a New World Order – can emerge: a new era" thus becoming the first President of the United States of America to openly state and work toward global governance."

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