Christianity in the Cross-hairs

11 months ago

It’s not paranoia if they really ARE out to get you!
The IRS really IS out to get members of the Christian faith…especially conservative Christians. And that probably does include you.
So, WHY does the Internal Revenue Service have 345-thousand pages of documents featuring Christian search terms like “prayer” and “the Word of God?” That’s what the American Center for Law and Justice wants to know, after its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit disclosed the massive operation to target phrases commonly used by Christians with conservative beliefs.
Could it have something to do with the ACLJ’s discovery of the FBI’s new terrorist classification? It puts both Christian and conservative MAGA supporters in the government crosshairs? And isn’t it odd that this new FBI task force should be formed directly ahead of the 2024 Presidential campaign featuring patriot Donald Trump as the likely GOP candidate?
The FBI and the IRS working together to make conservative voters like us an endangered species at the polls? That’s how it looks from here.!/donation/checkout

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