Dr Harper Israel questions rejected at White House October 11, 2023

11 months ago

White House reporter Dr. Matthew Anthony Harper attends a White House press meeting October 11, 2023. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and the Admiral Kirby refused to take his following questions:

“In light of the Hamas vicious attack on Israel, will the Biden administration freeze the assets of Hamas supporter Iran as well as stop funding the anti-Semitic organizations of the Palestinian Authority and U.N. agency UNRWA that are undermining Israel’s security and fueling the hatred and war against Israel?”

In honor of Israeli lives lost, Dr. Harper sings the Israel national anthem ‘Hatikvah.’

Message below from Christian Friends of Israeli Communities:

“Please keep all of Israel in your prayers.

Specific prayer requests:
Safety for our soldiers as they fight this unspeakable evil.
Protection for our civilians who are on the front lines.
Wisdom and courage for our leaders.
Healing for those who have been wounded.
Peace and protection for those who have been kidnapped.

Stand with Israel by donating to support victims on the front lines!

Dr. Harper sang the Israel national anthem ‘Hatikvah’ May 27, 2023 at Ben Gurion Airport!
To watch this video, click on the following YouTube link:

Dr. Harper is singing the Israel National Anthem called ‘Hatikvah’ (The Hope) Tuesday January 28, 2020 at the Kotel (Western Wall of Prayer) next to Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel. To watch this video, click on the following YouTube link:

Dr. Harper is singing the Israel national anthem ‘Hatikvah’ inside Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem, Israel April 15, 2019. To watch, click on following YouTube link:

Dr. Harper is singing the Israel national anthem ‘Hatikvah’ with Israel military cadets at Hannukah as well as singing their anthem at other locations in Jerusalem December 19, 2017. To watch this video, click on the following YouTube link:

Thank you for your prayers for Dr. Harper many more great singing years for the Glory of God!
Here is his experience singing ‘Over the Rainbow’ on YouTube:

Dr Harper news reporting info at:

Dr. Harper letter below to White House press secretary October 12, 2023:

“Ms. Karine Jean-Pierre
Press Secretary
The White House
Washington DC, 20002

Re: Rejecting Jewish & Christian audience question

Dear Karine,

White House Correspondent Rev. Dr. Matthew Anthony Harper with the Israel news service ‘Newsrael’ and well as the InterMountain Christian News to report that my Israel question regarding the attack of Hamas on Israel was rejected in our press briefing with Admiral John Kirby at the White House Wednesday October 11, 2023.

I’m serving as the principal White House Correspondent exposing and reporting on anti-Semitism and anti-Israel actions and this rejection of my question is perceived as an insult directed at our Jewish and Christian audience. Here was my question below that was rejected that hopefully will not be rejected at our next press briefing Thursday October 12, 2023:
“In light of the Hamas vicious attack on Israel, will the Biden administration freeze the assets of Hamas supporter Iran as well as stop funding the anti-Semitic organizations of the Palestinian Authority and U.N. agency UNRWA that are undermining Israel’s security and fueling the hatred and war against Israel?”

Our Jewish and Christian audience eagerly awaits your response.

Rev. Dr. Matthew Anthony Harper
P.O. Box 1829
Boise, ID 83701
Tel. (208) 703-8688
InterMountain Christian News

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