Here is reason why students' winter school uniforms are not warm in Communist China

8 months ago

10/7/2023 A parent from Dunhua of Jilin Province discovered that the bulky school uniform that her daughter had been wearing during previous winters was actually stuffed with scraps of cloth and waste material. She finally understood why her daughter had been complaining about feeling cold. However, the school mandates that no student would be allowed to enter school without wearing the uniform!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/7/2023 吉林省敦化市一名学生的家长发现,女儿穿着过冬的校服里居然塞满了布条废料, 她终于明白了为什么女儿总说冷。但学校却要求所有学生都必须穿这种校服,否则不让进校门!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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