As shown in this video, the CCP can easily destroy the lawful properties of Chinese people!

8 months ago

10/8/2023 The video circulating online shows an incident in Qiandai Square, Minhang District, Shanghai, where the director of a demolition office conducted a forced demolition overnight. However, the demolished building was a regular structure according to the blueprints shown by the director to the property owners earlier. The director contradicted himself while secretly demolishing the building under the pretext of safety hazards. This once again highlights that those with power in Communist China can recklessly destroy the lawful properties of ordinary Chinese people!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/8/2023 网传视频显示,在上海市闵行区千代广场,某拆迁办主任在夜里进行强拆。但是被强拆的建筑属于拆迁办主任早先给业主看的蓝图中的正常建筑,而拆迁办主任却出尔反尔,以安全隐患为名偷偷摸摸进行强拆。这再次体现了中共国的当权者能无法无天地摧毁老百姓的合法财产!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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