The Fox is in the Hen House

1 year ago

The Fox is in the Hen House
The Hidden Hands Behind Joe Biden's Administration
While the exact decision-makers behind Joe Biden's daily actions remain shrouded in uncertainty, the ideological influence guiding his administration is crystal clear. It appears that the guardians of a certain ideology have taken up residence in the highest echelons of power. As a treasure trove of resurfaced social media content from the Trump era on Twitter reveals, radical socialism appears to be pulling the strings within the Deep State.
Notably, there has been no official response from the Biden administration in reaction to Fox News Digital's report. The report shed light on Tyler Cherry, a current senior spokesperson within the Interior Department, who had previously referred to Baltimore as a "capitalistic police state" before joining the administration. He sharply criticized the police, employing historical references like "slave patrols," and equated Voter ID requirements with poll taxes. Cherry even called for the federal government to abolish ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency. A glimpse into Cherry's Twitter activity from 2017 also unveiled his support for the discredited Russia-gate hoax, where he accused everyone in the White House, including Mike Pence, of complicity in the debunked scandal.
Cherry assumed his role in the Interior Department in 2021. However, rather than addressing the substance of Cherry's radical Twitter posts, the White House chose to respond through a statement to the Advocate, an LGBT-themed media outlet, asserting that theirs is an administration deeply committed to the belief that, 'out of many, we are one.' They took pride in the alignment of their team members with these values. The ultimate judgment on this will be delivered by history.
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