How to Increase Semen Volume (7 tips)

1 year ago

Increase semen volume and improve fertility. Seven tips for achieving this, including a secret tip from the adult industry.

Stirling explains that sperm only makes up about 5% of ejaculate load, while prostatic secretions (20-30%) and seminal vesicles (60-70%) contribute to the rest. The strength of the muscles around the urethra, known as the bulbocabenosis muscle, determines whether someone is a "shooter" or a "dribbler" during ejaculation. Stirling's advice ranges from avoiding smoking, increasing hydration andi doing kegel exercises. Additional practical advice involves ejaculating less frequently and a secret sdult industry tip.

Stirling Cooper is an award-winning adult film star and the world's best sex coach for men
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0:00 increase your semen volume
0:42 what is semen, sperm or ejaculate?
1:16 bc muscle
1:43 number one smoking
1:58 number two hydration
2:28 number three kegels
2:54 number four ejaculate less frequently
3:42 number five masser route
3:55 number six zinc
4:14 number seven this is a secret adult industry trick

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