Former Minnesota Rep. Jason Lewis Talks About Israel - I Agree

8 months ago

Listen to what former Minnesota Rep. Jason Lewis said about Jewish Lobbyists Control the Republican Party & How Many Gov Officials Hold Dual Citizenship in Israel

“I have to tell you the truth here. The truth is I don’t have a dog in the fight.
One of the reasons I’m speaking out on this particular issue is not because I’m a big fan of Chuck Hagel, it’s not because I think that the Israel lobby controls the country, but they do control the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is essentially a Neo-conservative party that believes in unending & blind support of Israel, a lynchpin of being a good Republican.

When you get into those sort of dual-loyalties, what happens if it’s not in America’s best interest?

I’d you don’t believe me, ask James Baker, the Former Sec of State & Chief of Staff of Bush 41, who was nearly exiled from Israel supporters for not going along with what Israel was doing.

But he’s long been diminished by the John Bolton of the world.”


On the Pattern of America Having More Involvement with Israel than any Other Nation

• A Large number of Government Officials are Dual-Citizens, both America & Israel.

“In any other country, that might be seen as a problem, but it’s not here because of that special relationship”

• Cold War, we had a bi-polar war and we needed an outpost in the Middle East & Israel was it

• “Contrary to what the pundits said, AIPAC and a very strong American Jewish Lobby. I don’t say that as a negative. They’ve been very proficient. They’re successful people, and therefore they have Power in Washington.“

• Religion, on the part of evangelicals, on the part who get foreign policy out of the Old Testament. Which I think is terrifying.

If you’re saying there’s a biblical command that we send young men and women to die, or go to war because it says so in scripture, how is that any different than the people were fighting are saying?”

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