9 months ago


Often, people find themselves in difficult situations because they don't understand the true essence of prayer. It's common to see individuals begging and pleading for divine help, but it seems like their prayers are not heard. Today, I would like to share with you the most powerful prayer I know to attract money. What makes this prayer so powerful is the way it's formulated, designed to touch the heart of God. Before we proceed, I ask you to click the "Like" button and show your support for this video, as it motivates us to continue producing content like this. Also, if you want to be notified every time we publish something new on our channel, subscribe and activate all notifications.

We will approach this prayer in four simple steps, and in the end, I'll invite you to repeat it in its entirety. Remember that it's not just the words that matter but also the feelings you emit while uttering them. As Neville Goddard taught, feelings are the key. The most powerful prayer in the world to attract money starts like this: "Thank you, God, for blessing my life with endless financial abundance." In every moment, we send feelings to the universe, which, in turn, shape our subconscious level of perception and, consequently, control our lives. During this prayer, you must practice the feeling of already possessing what you desire. Feel fulfilled and grateful for the blessings that have already come, even if they have not yet manifested in your life. Instead of begging, "God, please send financial abundance," you are saying, "God, thank you, I am grateful." These words are not just language; they activate your nervous system, which, in turn, produces feelings of joy and gratitude. When you feel you already have it, the Law of Attraction responds by sending more things for you to feel that way.

The second part of the prayer goes like this: "The universe is infinitely abundant, money flows to me every day, in every way, because I am already blessed by God." By repeating this part of the prayer, you acknowledge that there is money available for everyone and that there are no barriers to you receiving it, as God's hand has already touched you since birth. When you plead for money, you are vibrating in scarcity, as if there is not enough for everyone, and you need to create a scenario for God to have compassion and take from the richer to give to you. However, the money you are asking the universe for is not forcibly taken from anyone. There is enough wealth for all, and to receive it, you need to enter the vibrational state of already having money.

The third part of the prayer says: "Dear God, I feel gratitude for all the money I've had and for all the expected and unexpected money that comes to me in miraculous ways." This part of the prayer involves expressing gratitude for money in your past, even if you may have blamed yourself for not having used it wisely. By thanking for what you've had, you release the weight of regret and make room to receive financial miracles, whether through your work, a loan payment, unexpected money, or even through draws and lottery games. The truth is that all the energy that has ever existed and will ever exist is already available, which means that all realities are possible in your life now. Even if you don't have the amount of money you desire yet, believing that you can live a different reality invites that abundance to come closer to you. Call upon the unexpected and miraculous strength of God, and money will come to you.

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