Who The Hell Is Grandpa Tom, Sumpthin’ Sumpthin’ Sumpthin’

11 months ago

The National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Health Chairman

Veterans Healthcare and Research

Tom Trefts , USAF Gulf War Veteran, Gulf War and Veterans Health Health / VA Information

Bachelor of Science Degree Ashland College ( University ): Class of 1984.
Minor : Marketing

Associates In Applied Science in Jet 🛩️ Engine Technology 1991, United States 🇺🇸 Air Force

Currently a member of Veterans For Trump, Vets For Trump, and Founder, Writer, Researcher, Spokesman for a loose affiliation of Grassroots Veterans Groups and other Veteran Activists and Advocates.

I undertook a one month part time assignment for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children’s Health Defense passing along detailed Veterans Intelligence about Vaccine Company Health Code Violations, ( BIOPORT, Michigan - the original FUBAR makers of the Anthrax Vaccines 💉), including Information on weaponized Micoplasmas- in particular Micoplasma Fermentans, ( See the Research 🔬 of Dr. Garth Nicholson) and the gut wrenching knowledge that the poisonous additive MF-59, aka AS04 and AF03 has not only NEVER 👎 been removed from the Anthrax ( BIOTHRAX ) Vaccine 💉 but that is now in use under up to 100 different aliases in various vaccines WORLDWIDE…. This took place in May 2019 and we were al

Family History of Public Service :

Related to one of the Barrons of Runnymede that forced King 👑 John to sign The Magna Carta - which was used as a template for the Constitution of The United States 🇺🇸 of America.

( still researching family tree - possible relative at George Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware during The Revolutionary, 6th Generation American 🇺🇸 starting with early settler Ava Trefts. )

1 Grandfather in WWI. U.S. Army Charles P. Walter )

1 Great Grandfather in The U.S. Army WWI
Albert “ Bud “ Sharpe. Yale Graduate , Helped invent the sport 🏈 of football.

1 Uncle USN Destroyer Captain, Cold War. Albert Trefts

1 Uncle WWII - U.S. Army, War In Europe, Charles Walter II. Switched to post war Air Force Public Relations.

1 Grandfather served in U.S. Army WWII under General Patton in Tunisia, Sicily, and Italy 🇮🇹 as photographer.

My father : Thomas S.Trefts, USAF Airman 1st Class , Korean War.

I was a USAF A-10 Jet Engine Mechanic, Flight Line Specialist,
Test Cell ( on ground engine testing facility ), - also Drum & Bugle Corps.

Stay tuned here for a ( getting to know me introduction about why I think I should be given an ample voice in the creation and functions of a new American Republic- one with plenty of built in checks and balances, Veterans hiring preferences, and a strict list of things which ( in the interest of National Security)should automatically disqualify certain candidates for sensitive positions governance.

Things that should disqualify a person from any government position in our new United States 🇺🇸 Republic.

1.) Dual Citizenship

2.) Member of any Secret Society

3.) Members of Special Interests Groups

Free Iron Thunderhorse Petition https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/286/295/701/

Biden Inauguration Staged On 2 Different Days !!!


1.) https://thedocuments.info/
By Dereck Johnson - Proof We Are Under Continuance Of Government ~ Soft Marshal Law.

2.) Sacha Stone Interview With Elena Danaan.


3.) Controlled Folly - Controlled Folly | The Third Attention

Controlled Folly | The Third Attention

4.) Evil 👿 Always Announces Itself EVIL 😈 ALWAYS ANNOUNCES ITSELF


Children’s Deaths Due To Vaccines:

Secret CDC Report confirms Hundreds of Thousands of Children ‘Died Suddenly’ in the USA following roll-out of COVID-19 Vaccines

READ: https://generalmcnews.substack.com/p/secret-cdc-report-confirms-hundreds



I was born with a plastic spoon 🥄 in my mouth….


I am on an ambitious project to create an up to date grassroots veteran group yellow pages. I also have a plan to showcase individual veterans bios who might want to contact or plug 🔌 into other groups .... I have almost 75 groups and about 35 individuals to still list if interested. We include Operation Firing For Effect www.offe.org
The National Vietnam Veterans and Gulf War Veterans Coalition, Rolling Thunder, etc

Let me know if you know anyone or groups interested. I plan to leverage our resources to put our best research in one place and create a back channel for national emergencies by state . This could include private citizen minutemen, human rights advocates, help resources,etc.
My email is ttrefts@gmail.com
Working on an up to the date veterans yellowpages project to see what kind of untapped potential we would have over multiple topics. Great idea for protest road trips and organization.

I am with over 50 small groups

Working with people from AMVETS, Rolling Thunder and currently trying to get confirmation with Mike Yates in Las Vegas with Blue Water Navy.

My forum is at
www.unified-veterans.free forums.net

The Golden Dawn White Hat Operation


Janet Yellen dragged out GCR

Monitored entire election

May 31st important !!!!

James 0’Keefe - Project Veritas having to defend himself as an investigative 🤨 journalist

Supreme Court not doing Roe vs Wade, thinking Supreme Court to order special election.

Also been long term partner with USMC Purple Heart +++ Vietnam Veteran Gene Simes of Operation Firing For Effect
at www.offe.org


Alex Collier - NASARA GESARA

Cynthia will do live DEMO OF MEDBEDS.
Protocol 19 & 20

⁃ Trump called all families of 4 slain Americans

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