Example of Session Findings with Daniel at Vegastarhealings or potentially any other energy healers

8 months ago

So here's an example of the things Daniel found after running a scan on me:
"On the general aura there is a DPC and 3 vibrations (Witchcraft). This is not about a body healing but more about what isn’t manifesting in you favor around your life.
Your meridians, this is another layer within the deep aura which can feel physical but isn't. The web page for this is under construction.
Insectoid stinger. Type of IDB NEF but its not a corruption. It’s a a type of cord which is extremely toxic to the meridians and creates all sorts of bad sensations.
No web page for this.
The meridians of the skin indicated a dimensional rift .
22 environmental related hooks. Meaning these hooks came from non organic but not an IDB, ET, or another person. No Webpage for this."

Daniel's site https://www.vegastarhealings.com

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor, none of what I say should be considered financial advice so Do Your Own Research and come to your own conclusions. These are my views and my views only. Nor am I a medical doctor or
health professional. None of what I say should be considered medical advice. I make no claims. Please seek the appropriate professional assistance before considering anything. What I say and do is for entertainment purposes only and simply how I do things. Please do your own research and come to your own conclusions. Take your own precautions based on your own research.

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I've looked into the likes of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife(Frequency Based Rife Machines), Georges Lakhovsky(Lakhovsky MultiWave Oscillator), Antoine Priore (Cold Plasma), Dan Winter(Cold Plasma-Theraphi), Dr Hulda Clark(Zapper), Dr Sebi, Edgar Cayce(worked with Arcturians), Dr Fred Bell (Descendant of Alexander Graham Bell who worked with Pleiadians and Andomedans) , Dr Bill Deagle, Dr H. Staninger, Ed Skilling(Photon Genius/Genie), Ken Rohla and numerous other healers and modalities from Herbs, Ozone(Including Prolozone, Ozone Eboo and 10 and 20 pass, and other ozone methods), Oxygen, Electromedicine, Pulse Magnetism, Stem Cells, Homeopathics, Ormus, Keshe Plasma, Muscleskeletal,acupuncture, Energy Healing, ET Healing, Light, Sound, Colour Therapy, Biophotons, Radiation Hormesis, Radionics, Scalar waves, Biohologram, Bioresonance, Biocharger, Imprinting, Essential Oils, Raw Gum of Turpentine, DMSO, Laser IV, Hydrogen, Saunas, Cryotherapy, Multidimensional and Transdimensional and many more......Through my own learnings and journey, I hope to give some knowledge that may help people obtain better health where healing is achievable to most as opposed to only people who can afford it.

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