Henry Herskovitz Presents - A Black Woman Attempts to Steal their Signs, Oct 11, 2023

1 year ago

From Henry Herskovitz: Back when Witness for Peace (WfP) boycotted Hiller’s Market in Ann Arbor (we were successful) owner James Hiller was to receive honors in Birmingham, Michigan. We decided to travel the 45 miles to protest his pro-Israel policies. When the Birmingham Police caught wind of our plan, they contacted the Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD) to inquire about us. “They are pussycats!”, declared Ann Arbor Police Detective Lt. Mark St. Amour. Detective St. Amour knew even then that our group was lawful and peaceful. The City of Birmingham sent two unarmed officers in shirt sleeves to observe us. After an hour, they grew bored and told us they were going home for dinner. Advance a few decades, and our reputation continues. On July 21, according to the August edition of the Washtenaw Jewish News (p. 4), a man called the suicide hotline and claimed he was holding a hostage in the men’s room at Beth Israel Congregation during evening services. The Ann Arbor police “fill[ed] the BIC parking lot with cruisers and police vans”, and sent out a SWAT truck. Beth Dwoskin, author of the article, fingered WfP as a likely suspect, writing: “For almost 20 years, a hate group has been standing outside of Beth Israel every single Shabbat. The first impulse is to attribute any threat to them.” This first impulse was most certainly conveyed to the police, but did any member of WfP receive a call from the AAPD? Were our lawyers contacted? Did police show up at anyone’s home? No, No, and No. The most scrutinized peace group in Ann Arbor was not even considered to have perpetrated such a hoax. Advance also to this past Saturday, when a black woman feigned interest in our activity, only as a ruse to steal one of our signs. When we had explained to this lady that the entire Beth Israel Congregation supports the state of Israel and only racists do that, she indignantly replies “You’re going to tell a black woman about racism?” She then proceeds to dismantle our sign and when we remove it from her, the crocodile tears start. She calls the police, who dutifully come out and spend about 15 minutes with her. The cops didn't even bother to approach us "two white men" with her complaint that she felt "unsafe". They recognized her false accusations, and left the scene. Good policing, in our humble opinion.

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