Soul Sacrifice, (Bill Graham's Santana)

11 months ago

Wulf Grajonca aka: Bill Graham was a CIA (HAP} Haight Asbury Project & Military Intelligence Operative. From 1965-70, he worked closely with other CIA operatives:

Abigail Folger's mother Ines Mejia
Timothy Leary
George Sullivan, leasehold holder of the Fillmore Auditorium
Sharon Tate's father Colonel Paul Tate
Hunter S. Thompson, Gonzo journalist
Jerry Garcia, Grateful Dead, Carlos Santana & Columbia Records.
Grace Slick, Janis Joplin, Ravi Ranken, David Crosby, Neil Young
Louis Jolyon West, CIA MK Ultra psychiatrist
Jim Jones of Peoples Temple
Sonny Barger of the Hells Angles
Anton LaVey (Harold Levey) Church of Satan
Diane Goldman Feinstein
Joe Alioto, Mayor of San Francisco

The instrumental Soul Sacrifice was performed as the seventh and last song Monday, August 18, 1969. Around 2:45pm.

On September 30, 1969, David Crosby's girlfriend Christine Hinton, age 21. was killed in a head-on collision with an empty school bus in Novato.

Age 60, Bill Graham's BELL-206B helicopter crashed at Naval Radio Weaponry Military Skaggs Island at Sonoma Creek on October 25, 1991.

Grace Slick's 270 Del Casa Drive Estate destroyed by fire on September 16, 1993.

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James Vincent Forrestal (February 15, 1892 – May 22, 1949) was the last Cabinet-level United States Secretary of the Navy and the first United States Secretary of Defense.

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