China’s position is UN position

1 year ago

Video: 7 notes about Gaza: the view from China, China’s position is UN position 影片:關於加薩的七點注意:中國的觀點,中國的立場就是聯合國的立場

Voice of America criticized China's response to fighting in Israel/ Palestine by printing a picture of an empty Chinese lectern. But China did respond, with a call to protect civilians--while the response of others violates the Geneva Conventions. 美國之音透過刊登一張空蕩蕩的中國講台的照片來批評中國對以色列/巴勒斯坦戰鬥的反應。 但中國確實做出了回應,呼籲保護平民,而其他國家的回應則違反了《日內瓦公約》

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