1 year ago


Father, Yahweh I / WE confess and acknowledge the finished work of Your Son Yahshua on the impaling post. HE died as us for us, so that we might become all that YOU are in Him. The SIN issue of the first-man Adam and the illusion of separation, has once and for all times, been addressed by the last-man Adam. I/WE confess and acknowledge your Sovereignty as LORD, Savior, and King, and I/WE truly believe that YAHWEH raised YOU from the dead. We who were once dead in trespasses and sin, have now been made ALIVE, RAISED, and presently SEATED in Heavenly places in Messiah Yahshua. With our heart we believe unto righteousness and with our mouth we confessed unto salvation. So it is!

Being born again not only includes the full assurance of salvation, but it also involves seeing and entering the Kingdom and the reality of living forever starting now. If you want everything that Yahweh has for you, please pray the following prayer to be filled (baptized) in, of and by Holy Spirit.

Father, (Yahweh) we thank You for the full comprehensive plan of salvation that was made available to us through the death, burial, and resurrection of Your only begotten son. (Yahshua) You died as us for us, so that we could become all that you are. Thank You for keeping your promise to send back the promise of the Father to empower us to become bold, effective witnesses to the reality of Your Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven. So it is!

Receive Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives you utterance. Amen!


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