SPOT ON CHESS PUZZLES: A Modern win by Carissa Yip!

1 year ago

Carissa Yip maintains her co-lead in the US Women's Chess Championship from the Black side of an awesome Modern Defense win. We’ll take a look at that game today and discuss some of the tactics. The round six US WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP saw four out of six games end with a decisive result and only two draws. The US Men’s Chess Championship… had six draws. The ladies seem to be showcasing a lot of fighting chess!


Eswaran, Ashritha vs Yip, Carissa 0-1
Zatonskih, Anna vs Yu, Jennifer 1-0
Paikidze, Nazi vs Lee, Alice 0-1
Yan, Ruiyang vs Krush, Irina 1/2-1/2
Pourkashiyan, Atousa vs Tokhirjonova, Gulrukhbegim 0-1
Cervantes Landeiro, Thalia vs Abrahamyan, Tatev 1/2-1/2

1st - 2nd place Carissa Yip (2372) leads the pack with her co-leader Gulrukhbegim Tokhirjonova both having scored 5 points out of a possible 6 - quite a blistering start!
3rd Place GM Irina Krush a full point behind with 4 points out of 6 rounds.
4th-5th Places Alice Lee and Anna Zatonskih 3.5 points
6th - 7th Places Ruiyang Yan and Tatev Abrahamyan 3 points
8th Place Nazi Paikidze 2.5 points
9th - 11th Places Thalia Cervantes Landeiro, Atousa Pourkashiyan and Jennifer Yu. 2 Points
12th Place Ashritha Eswaran. 1/2 point.


Mark Crowther's THE WEEK IN CHESS (TWIC) at:

Those feisty German Chess Lovers at Chessbase over at:

The St Louis Chess Center - Host & Sponsor of the 2023 Women's and Men's US Chess Championships:

CHESS24 US Women’s Chess Championship Coverage

CHESS24 US Men’s Chess Championship Coverage

Thanks for your time - wishing you and yours all the best. ~ S.

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