Life Coaching 101 - Is it Really the End of the World?

8 months ago

Is it Really the End of the World?

Does it ever feel like it's the end of the world? Like there's just no way to keep on going? Like how are you going to achieve the goals you've set for yourself? Let alone the mundane day to day tasks.

I suggest you stop and take account of what is happening in that moment. Are you hungry, tired, lacking energy, feeling unmotivated, sick, or in some other way not at your peak? If so, this is probably the reason why you feel like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders.

There are three major pillars to being at your best. Good rest, good exercise, and a good diet. These are not always easy for everyone to do. But at least just getting two of these things down can drastically change your outlook on life.

Whatever it is that is preventing us from being at our best, we must take a hard look at that and see if it is either necessary in our lives, or if there's a way that we can change what it is.

We must remember to be kind to ourselves. If life seems impossible in the moment, it's probably because it is in that moment. So, that's a good time to stop the catastrophizing and make a slight change to address what is happening rather than trying to solve all yours and the world's problems.

Believe in yourself. You can do it!!!

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Sometimes all we need is a little perspective. 🌧️ 🌈 🌞

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#bekindtoyourself #endoftheworld #weightoftheworld #catastrophizing

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