Phone records show interactions between Sabrina Limon and Robert Limon on the day of his murder

7 years ago

Cell phone records show 17 missed calls from Sabrina's home phone to Robert's cell phone the day that he was killed. The last attempted phone call was made at 8:24 p.m.  First text message sent at 5:00 p.m. Sabrina to Robert: "Ber, I hope you’re having a good day. I’m going to my moms to visit for a bit. Call me on my cell. Love you." Robert to Sabrina: "[three happy faces]." IN A RECORDING PLAYED IN COURT MONDAY SHE SAID SHE STARTED GETTING WORRIED ABOUT WHY HE WASN’T ANSWERING, BUT THOUGHT MAYBE HE WAS JUST BUSY. Sabrina to Robert: “Call me bear I’m home now. Getting the kids dinner and ready for school. yay.” ABOUT THIRTY MINUTES LATER – SABRINA STARTS CALLING ROBERT’S CELL PHONE. A TOTAL OF 17 MISSED CALLS WERE ON ROBERT’S PHONE BETWEEN 7:30 AND NEARLY 8:30 AT NIGHT. Sabrina to Robert: "Babe I’m worried about you. Call me Leanna wants to say goodnight."

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