The Lord Says - SET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER - Prophetic Word Given 10-11-23

8 months ago

Hi everyone, Brother Matt here with another message from the Lord. This message was given early this morning. It is quite long and has sections that are given to a few specific audiences. I encourage you to listen to the whole video as there may be a word in here specifically for you. If you are new to this channel- WELCOME! Please have a look at the other videos on my channel. Please like, comment, subscribe and share this video with others.

Many even now in this moment cry out to Me
They cry out for My justice
Shall I bring justice upon you o people?
Shall I ignore the cries of the innocents?
I cannot
I cannot

I will come like a mighty wave
My justice must be satisfied

I am the Lord
The Holy and Righteous One
The only One who is able to judge rightly
The rod and the staff are in My hand
The rod with which I will break the shackles that bind
The staff with which I will gather and guide those who are My own

If there are any among you who are wise
Repent and Return to Me
Call upon My name and be saved
While there is yet time for you
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved

I am the way
I am the truth
I am the life
Those who seek THE WAY find their way in Me
Those who seek THE TRUTH will find that I am the only truth that remains
I am the truth that stands
Those who seek for LIFE may find their life in Me
Those who sit in darkness will see a great light
The light of My face
The light of My love
For I will reveal Myself to them even now
Those the world has forgotten will see My face and call upon My name
The nations are Mine
The peoples are Mine
The tribes are Mine
I will gather all who are Mine to Myself
You will not withhold them from Me
No gate will hold them back from Me
I will ransom those who I will ransom
Those the world would discard I will call as my own
Even from among the hated and despised people
I will receive praise

O My people
O My bride
Do not fear what is soon coming upon the earth
My glory will be revealed among these nations
I will disarm the powers
I will avenge Myself for vengeance is Mine alone

Tell My people to set their house in order
Though the peoples cry for peace
There will be no peace
Only the sword
Remember in this time
I the Lord remain faithful and true
I the Lord will preserve those who are My own
I the Lord will not lose any who are My own
There is safety only in the shadow of My wing
There is safety only for those who are in My hand
Reach out to Me O peoples of the earth
Call upon my Holy Name
Jesus the anointed One
He who was crucified for your sins
He who was buried in a tomb
He who rose from the dead
He who ascended into heaven
And who sits on the throne even now
He who prepares His army and is coming soon
Call upon His name
The Mighty Name
The Name above all Names
The King above all Kings
The Lord above all Lords
And be saved
Be saved O people from this wicked generation
Be saved from the sword which is swiftly coming upon you

To My servants and those who claim My name:

Now is the time!
Open your mouths and declare what I have given you
Do not hold back
Be faithful to what I have given to you
Be faithful o servants
Be faithful
Speak My word
Proclaim My truth
For today is the day of salvation
I will open the eyes and the hearts of many
Be faithful o servants wherever you are
Whoever you meet
Have no fear
But declare My name
Perhaps they will listen
Perhaps even some may be saved
The earth will be filled with My glory as the water covers the sea
The whole earth will be filled with My glory
Even you who believe you are the least
You who believe you are unseen
Know that I the Lord see
And I hear
I have heard your prayers
I have heard your cries
But even you who believe you are so small and of no account
Even you will do mighty things in My name
Have no fear
Have no fear O children
But stand
Rise Up o Children
In My name
Declare what I will put into your mouths
In that very moment when you are called upon to speak
For it will not be you who speaks but it will be Me
Even from the mouths of babes and young children will I receive praise

To you who carry offenses and burdens with you say:

The time for you to surrender your offenses to Me has come
The time for you to release your burdens has come
There is no good in them for you o people
Your offenses only serve to embitter you and to sour your heart
Surrender them to Me
And be reconciled among yourselves
Remember I have forgiven you of many things
Would you now withhold forgiveness from another?
I would exchange your heart of stone for a heart of flesh
Will you surrender your burdens to Me?
I the Lord who have born all your sin, all your shame, all your iniquity upon Myself
Am I not also able to bear your burdens upon Myself?
Cast your anxieties upon Me and exchange them for My peace
I have set you upon a rock
I have given you a new song to sing
I have prepared for you mighty works to do
But you will not be able to do these things with a bitter tongue and a heavy burden
I know you have been hurt
They have hated you as they hated Me
They have despised you as they once despised Me
Reach out to Me o My children
Receive My comfort
Feel the warmth of My embrace
I am willing to heal you
Though you will carry a scar

These days call for watchfulness O people
They call for prayer and fasting
These days are My days
You will see My mighty hand at work

I the Lord have spoken
Therefore declare these things unto them

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