M S Dhoni says about the vehicle

8 months ago

How to protect the nature and why is important to future Environment .
A petrol vehicle, also known as a gasoline vehicle, is a type of automobile that relies on an internal combustion engine powered by gasoline (petrol) to generate the necessary propulsion. These vehicles have been a mainstay of the automotive industry for many years and are still widely popular. They typically have an internal combustion engine that ignites a mixture of petrol and air to produce power, which is then transmitted to the wheels, propelling the vehicle forward. Petrol vehicles are known for their wide availability of fuel, convenience in refueling, and the ability to cover long distances without lengthy recharging stops. However, they produce emissions and contribute to air pollution, making them less environmentally friendly compared to electric vehicles.

Electric Vehicle:
An electric vehicle (EV) is a groundbreaking mode of transportation that relies on electricity to power an electric motor for propulsion. EVs are designed to minimize or eliminate tailpipe emissions and reduce the environmental impact associated with traditional petrol vehicles. They are powered by electricity stored in rechargeable batteries, which can be charged at home, at charging stations, or through other electric power sources. Electric vehicles come in various forms, including battery-electric vehicles (BEVs), which run entirely on electricity, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), which combine an electric motor with an internal combustion engine for extended range. EVs are known for their efficiency, reduced operating costs, and the potential to lower greenhouse gas emissions, making them an increasingly popular choice for environmentally conscious consumers.

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