Israel Vengeance - Gaza pulverized #israel #palestine #gaza

8 months ago

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Israel Vengeance - Gaza pulverized - 0:00
The Onset of Tragedy - 1:26
A Retaliatory Inferno - 4:03
Brinkmanship and the Spectre of Expanded Conflict - 6:49
The International Quandary - 8:15
Conclusion - 9:51

There will be no more Gaza – at least in comparison to what it used to be. This video unfolds the tragic narrative, exploring the root, consequences, and global reverberations of this devastating conflict. One must think, what is the smart strategy here? Kill a few hundred Isreali citizens and then have your homeland destroyed by the much superior Isreali military. By all means and measures this is nonsensical and shows a lack of strategy against a much superior foe. Was a restrained response from Israel expected by Hamas? Clearly that is not the case, and there is probably no leader whether they are consider good or bad would respond lightly to such an attack. Was it a strategy to get an overwhelming response from Israel and then go to the international community and say see, “Israel bad”, and try to guilt people into supporting them? That will no longer work. There is logic for the Russia-Ukraine war and comparably this is madness and downright nonsensical because at the end of the day, it is the innocent that will suffer the most. In the haunting echoes of explosions and beneath the somber skies of the Middle East, the Israel-Gaza conflict has once again erupted with a ferocity unseen in recent years. Unprecedented attacks by Hamas and an intense retaliation by Israel have woven tales of sorrow, death, and destruction across the regions, giving rise to a humanitarian crisis and teetering the fragile scales of regional stability. Anyways, let’s get into the details.

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