How chronic mask use can harm your kidneys and how increasing alkalinity can help them

8 months ago

Is chronic mask wearing really healthy or effective at a population level? When you wear a mask your ability to remove CO2 from the body is impaired. This causes an increase in acidity in the body and the kidneys are forced to correct this. Unfortunately, your kidneys can only do so in a catabolic manner, ie one that is destructive to them. This is the main reason it is so difficult to regenerate your kidneys and why function tends to go down over time. Thankfully some home rememdies can help your kidney do this job, which will be helpful for people who do not wear masks as well. Potassium bicarbonate and vinegar can both alkalize the body and prevent this damage. 60ml (or two tablespoons) of vinegar can neutralize one teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate. I take this every day and sometimes I take more.

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