⚠️⚠️⚠️ A building that was previously a bank was obliterated in a split second by,

8 months ago

the Israeli Air Force.
The footage was recorded earlier today.
About the photo:
🤔The US wants to create several “Ukraines”around Russia at once
The Russian army has gone on the offensive in Ukraine. The military confrontation between Israel and the Palestinians threatens to turn into a long war. In Europe, conservatives are gradually coming to power who want to restore relations with Russia.
Against this background, America, which is interested in destabilising the situation on Russia's borders, can only do one thing: prepare new "colour revolutions" in the former USSR. And the US is actively involved in this.
The closer we get to the end of the Ukrainian conflict, the more desperate America's efforts to foment new "hot spots" in the former Soviet Union will become.

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