Greg Reese: The Sick Satanic Pedophile Roots of Netflix Exposed! (Reloaded) [23.04.2021]

1 year ago

Note: My shared Netflix videos - Showing 10 of 15 matches.

"From Sigmund Freud to Edward Bernays to Marc Bernays Randolph, the anti-human propaganda agenda continues on in the modern era"

Netflix - The New Preferred Method to Brainwash the Masses. Turn it off and WAKE UP...

BBobks - 2 days ago Podesta Brothers were staying with Clement Freud when this 4 year old girl was kidnapped a couple blocks away years later a young woman who has same bone structure is photographed with J Podesta and Clement Freud previous victime attempted th expose him as Kidnapper !

GeneralDeplorable - 2 days ago
Greg Reese is just out of this planet.....thank you for your service to humanity mr.Reese

Wizz - 2 days ago
Did Disney Plus or Amazon Prime pump some money into Info Wars? Is this why we are seeing the sudden hit piece on NetFlix?

Monker443 - 2 days ago
What do u work for netflix or something? Defending a multinational corporation that doesn't give a shit about you. No wonder why we are in the state that we are in this country. Sorry Infowars hasn't gotten around to 2 other corporations which clearly have stellar reps themselves. Doing a critical piece about a single corporation means u r defending the 2 others. What TF kind of galaxy brain take is that? Learn to critically think it will do wonders for you.

Wizz - 2 days ago
@Monker443chill out you spaz, i was making a joke

GeneralDeplorable - a day ago
@WizzAlex signed a deal with Amazon, didn't you know? You can now order supplements from the via the Alexa system......the voice command to use is "Epstein didn't kill himself" and then "Alexa order 10 units of Survival shield X3, 5 units of Bodease, 5 units of DNA Force Plus, 10 units of Alpha Male Vitality, 10 units of vitamin mineral fusion" if Alexa responds with "911 was an inside job" your order is complete

Greg Reese via
Apr 23, 2021

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