1938年的匯豐銀行 影片一開始展示的新重建的匯豐銀行,當時的香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司,被認為是裝飾藝術的傑作,也是這座城市繁榮和現代化的象徵。

9 months ago

HSBC in 1938

The newly rebuilt HSBC Bank shown at the beginning of the film, then The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, is considered a masterpiece of Art Deco and a symbol of the city's prosperity and modernity.

By 1985, when Norman Foster converted the bank into a minimalist glass skyscraper, the lion statue became the main theme of the bank and remains along with other architectural features.

The rare amateur footage recalls the vibrant and confident Hong Kong of the 1930s, still under British colonial rule. When the Japanese invaded Hong Kong a few years later in 1941, many of the people featured in the film were forced to flee the area.



到了1985 年,諾曼福斯特 (Norman Foster) 將銀行改建為極簡主義玻璃摩天大樓,獅子雕像成為銀行的主題,並與其他建築特色一起保留下來。

這段罕見的業餘鏡頭讓人想起 20 世紀 30 年代仍在英國殖民統治下充滿活力和自信的香港。 幾年後的 1941 年,當日本人入侵香港時,片中的許多人被迫逃離該地區。

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