“This was an Iranian-backed, Iranian-planned, Iranian-coordinated plot to pull this off."

8 months ago

Former military intelligence analyst explains what's really going on with Hamas invasion | Glenn Beck Blaze TV

Israel has declared war for the first time in 50 years after Hamas terrorists attacked multiple cities and brutally slaughtered hundreds of Israelis — much of it on camera.

The invasion has left people across the globe wondering how such advanced Israeli intelligence didn’t see this attack coming.

Jason Buttrill, former military intelligence analyst and Glenn Beck’s head writer and researcher, has an idea of what really happened.

“This was an Iranian-backed, Iranian-planned, Iranian-coordinated plot to pull this off. They came in from multiple areas. They came in from the sea,” Buttrill explains, noting that they also weaponized hang gliders.

Buttrill adds that observation towers along the border were knocked out by drones, before a barrage of rockets were fired to distract the Israelis from across the border.

“There was a blueprint for this not to happen. It was the Abraham Accords. It was exactly what the Trump administration had set forth,” Buttrill continues, “but you abandoned it.”

The invasion came just weeks after the Biden administration sent $6 billion to Iran.

“What, do you think they’re going to divert their funds to once they knew that they didn’t have to divert all the other money, the billions of dollars to medicine and food,” he says. “What do you think they were going to divert that money to? Terrorist attacks.”

Glenn Beck is concerned about what this means for Americans.

“This leads to the question: how many people are here from Iran, from Hamas, from Hezbollah, from anybody who wishes us ill?” He asks. “According to the border patrol ... 80 people that were on our most wanted terrorist list ... have come across the border that we caught.”

“How many are on the terrorist list that we didn’t catch?”

But how do we respond?

“Our response is going to be limited,” Buttrill says. “We don’t really have the resources to respond.”


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