These Runners Encounter A Newborn Baby Deer On The Trail

6 years ago

Whilst on a trail run in North Devon, England, a group of friends came across a newborn baby deer in the woods. It was so young that it struggled to stand at first. The runners were amazed when it came right up to them. They didn't touch it as their scent could cause the mother to reject it.

The tiny fawn can clearly be seen lying in the middle of the trail and then men start whispering, in the hopes of not scaring the gentle animal away. The fawn is still so young, the spots on his back are clear white and his fur is still a little curly.

It was hard to leave it and carry on with the run, but they were told by the local animal shelter that they did the best thing as the mother was probably close by and would've come back for her baby. Apparently they're often left in long grass but can often stumble onto trails like this one. What an amazing experience!

A couple of brothers had a similar encounter with a different fawn, only that guy was really eager to play with them. Tyler and his big brother saw a fawn in their backyard and went to see if it needed help, but as soon as Tyler approach the young animal, it started jumping and running in circles.

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