Salmon day!

1 year ago

Wash salmon. Cut in nice sized pieces (about 4"). Place in sterilized jars with garlic, onion lemon pepper. (Can use powders as well.) Add a little heat (cayenne, etc.) Wipe rims with vinegar. Place lids and bands on finger tight only. Place in cold canner with 2 Quarts of cold water or a little more because of the cooking time. Put a little vinegar in the water to keep jars from getting cloudy or too greasy in case one jar bubbles over at any point. Turn on high until steam starts coming out in a steady stream. Place weight on. Do not start counting 100 minutes until weight begins to jiggle. When it jiggles, turn stove down to medium and start timer. Process 100 minutes. When done, turn off stove. Can slowly move to cold eye of stove for faster cooling. When silver pressure button lowers on its own, remove weight and crack lid a bit to let extra steam out. Wait 5 minutes and remove to towel or counter rack or rubber mat. Note: Do not use the quick cool method because it stops the processing method from killing botulism spores. Let it cool naturally. God bless!

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