94. Ivermectin Supports the Gut Microbiome

11 months ago

Dr. Halasa has extensive clinical and research expertise is in the field of immunotherapy, stem cell therapy, laser therapy, Nanomedicine and chronic diseases prevention and management. Dr. Halasa earned his medical degree at Tripoli University, in Tripoli Libya on 1998 and passed the United States Medical Exams. Dr. Halasa was a researcher in immunotherapy at Baylor University in Texas, and is the chief executive officer and the founder of CDPMCS LLC in Maryland. Dr. Halasa is published and is a frequent guest speaker at renowned venues such as A4M (American Academy of anti-aging Medicine), SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering) and ASLMS (American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery) Nitric Oxide Society, FAPM (Florida Academy of Pain Medicine), ISLA, NAALT and Photobiology Society.


12:15:44 From Martha Stark, MD : New cars have so many toxic chemicals in them that if the car simply sits for a year “outgassing” over the course of that time, then the “weight” of the car will have decreased by 100 pounds by the end of the year!! Horrifying!!
12:16:43 From Martha Stark, MD : What is the name of the Florida pharmacist who “compounds” the methylene blue into capsular form for Dr. Halasa?
12:16:43 From Doris Fellenz : One gram of what should we take?
12:16:57 From Laura Custer Galloway : I am not aware of all the terms you are saying. I can look them up if I know how to spell them.
12:17:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis : NAC - n acetyl cysteine
12:17:42 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Ozempic
12:18:22 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Amlexnox rather than Ozempic - which is connected to suicides….
12:18:26 From Steve : Not Ozempic
12:18:32 From Doris Fellenz : 'What is Ozempic for ?
12:18:43 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Weight loss - stay away from it.
12:18:54 From Laura Custer Galloway : I know Ozempic is coming out p.o. Are you recommending it?
12:18:57 From Steve : Replying to "'What is Ozempic for..."

weight loss but you'll get cancer with long term use
12:19:21 From Dr. Tom Lewis : We are NOT
12:19:58 From Laura Custer Galloway : thank you
12:20:49 From Martha Stark, MD : “Amlexanox is an anti-inflammatory antiallergic immunomodulator used to treat recurrent aphthous ulcers and several inflammatory conditions. This drug has been discontinued in the U.S.”
12:21:46 From Martha Stark, MD : Sometimes Dr. Lewis, Dr. Carter, and Dr. Harshfield have well over 100 participants!
12:22:37 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : That is quite a complement to you Dr. Lewis
12:23:11 From Nudora.com Inc . : Hootan - Nudora probiotics

12:23:48 From iPhone (178) : sjs@fiberwater.com thank you Suzanne jaffe-stillman
12:24:07 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "sjs@fiberwater.com t..."

Thank you, Suzanne!
12:26:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3424508/
12:27:41 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Are we suppose to see slides?
12:27:54 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Hootan - Nudora prob..."

Thank you, Hootan!
12:27:59 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Doris Fellenz(privately) : I see them - he is on the same one
12:28:59 From Doris Fellenz : What acid was he discussing?
12:29:14 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "What acid was he dis..."

12:29:41 From Steve : Plz ask which butyric acid supp he takes
12:30:15 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Steve: he says he gets it from the bifida probiotic
12:30:54 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Bifido. Spell checker changed it.
12:33:06 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Bravo has at least 3 strains of bifidobacterium - infants, bifidum, and lactose
12:33:16 From Steve : If taking metformin one must take CoQ10 and B12
12:33:30 From Steve : Replying to "Steve: he says he ge..."

12:35:43 From Joy Gentle : Ghee is a food source for butyrate. https://santacruzayurveda.com/ghee-important-gut/
12:36:03 From Maura : Replying to "Steve: he says he ge…"
12:36:06 From Kumar Rao : Why should it be taken with codliver oil? What is the importance of codliver oil?
12:36:24 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Bravo has at least 3..."

infantis, bifidum, and lactis – I had to “fight” the “AutoCorrect” to get those 3 words spelled correctly!!
12:36:47 From Martha Stark, MD : Reacted to "Ghee is a food sourc..." with ❤️
12:36:53 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Cod liver oil has a mixture of fat-soluble nutrients including vitamins A and D. This combination is a powerful natural anti-infective and anti-inflammatory.
12:37:13 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Take at least 15 grams per day to get a therapeutic dose
12:40:29 From iPhone To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Tom, this is fantastic! Are you putting this up on Rumble? If so can you do it ASAP? I really want too go over the firehose of info presented. Also thank you for all your great work. It’s really important and I greatly appreciate it. Doug
12:41:42 From Steve : Reacted to "DOES IVERMECTIN HAVE..." with 👍
12:41:49 From Brenda’s iPhone To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Where can we get an ivermectin prescription?
12:42:01 From Martha Stark, MD : Dr. Halasa briefly referenced SSRIs (antidepressants). “Mental health patients with a recent (previous 90 days) prescription for an SSRI had an almost 40% reduction in the likelihood of a positive COVID-19 test,” wrote the Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota.”
12:42:15 From Martha Stark, MD : Reacted to "FIRE HOSE BEING DELI..." with ❤️
12:42:29 From iPhone : Reacted to "FIRE HOSE BEING DELI…" with ❤️
12:43:01 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Ivermectin - Contact my subscriber - Inga Savage at 704.258.8525
12:43:48 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Martha Stark, MD(privately) : How do the SSRIs act in this anti-viral capacity? Have you seen studies?
12:43:51 From Brenda’s iPhone To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Thank you!
12:43:52 From Winthrop Harewood : The brand of IVERMECTIN I have has a shelf life / expiry date.
12:44:17 From Nudora.com Inc . : Replying to "Cod liver oil has a ..."

Dr Lewis - our probiotic formula also helps reduce body’s inflammation. Please see www.nudora.com. you can reach me if you have any questions

12:44:54 From Martha Stark, MD To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Replying to "How do the SSRIs act..."

Great question! But I have no idea! I have not seen any studies. PS “Fire hose” captures things beautifully here!
12:44:58 From Mike Boehmer : Ivermectin does have an expiration date. Compounded capsules and SL lozenges are 180 days, generic tablets are labeled by the manufacturer and are up to 2 years.
12:45:38 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Replying to "Cod liver oil has a ..."

I will and you can call me. I recommend 6 different probiotics - each taken once a week but on a different day. I am happy to discuss. I recommend probiotics several times/ day so I would like to learn about yours. My cell is 865.2354998
12:46:15 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Cod liver oil has a ..."

Hootan – Does your probiotic include Lactobacillus rhamnosus? …that especially wonderful “longevity” Lactobacillus…
12:46:54 From Jaedyn Tillery : Replying to "IVERMECTIN IS DIFFIC..."

You can get it from buypharmamd or alldaychemist without a practitioner
12:47:04 From Martha Stark, MD : Mike Böhmer – Are you perhaps the pharmacist in Florida who compounds the Ivermectin for Dr. Halasa?
12:47:04 From Dr. Tom Lewis : My source - Inga - has supplied thousands of people with ivermectin - for me. 704.258.8525
12:47:31 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "My source - Inga - h..."

Thank you, Tom!
12:47:46 From Brenda : Replying to "My source - Inga - h..."

Great to know.
12:48:30 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "My source - Inga - h..."

Dr. Tom – What dose of ivermectin are you taking these days?
12:48:47 From Mike Boehmer : Amex pharmacy supples most of the US 800-644-9431, we work with Dr Halasa and have most of his protocols. Ivermectin, methylene blue, etc.
12:48:47 From Brenda : So, for long covid, my mom is taking ivermectin for a month and taking nattokinase. Should she be taking something else also to knock it out?
12:49:12 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Ivermectin dosage: Your weight divided by 11 - in milligrams
12:49:29 From Steve : Replying to "Amex pharmacy supple..."

What's the approx. cost of, say, a 16mg capsule of Iver?
12:49:31 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I take it a couple of times/year for 1 month.
12:50:18 From Linda Anderson : Reacted to "Dr Lewis - our probi..." with 👍
12:50:21 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I also take it on a full stomach - but also on an empty stomach occasionally. I believe on an empty stomach if for parasites according to an internist friend of mine.
12:50:23 From Nudora.com Inc . : Replying to "Cod liver oil has a ..."

@Dr. Tom Lewis I will call you after the zoom
12:50:37 From SCampbell To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : On dosage is this weekly or daily?
12:50:42 From Steve : Replying to "So, for long covid, ..."

Yes, look into Dr. Bryan Ardis info. She'll recover very quickly
12:50:47 From Nudora.com Inc . : Replying to "Cod liver oil has a ..."

@Martha Stark, MD Dr Stark

Lactobacillus fermentum -
Lactobacillus ghasseri -
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus plantarum -
Bifidobacterium bifidum and we have

Ginger and green tea along with prebiotic
12:51:00 From Dr. Tom Lewis To SCampbell(privately) : In my case 15 mg daily. It is harmless.
12:52:09 From Steve : Replying to "I also take it on a ..."

That's my understanding too: empty==parasites,; full== cancer
12:52:59 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I believe pulsing ivermectin - 1 month 1-3 times per year makes sense. I do not think taking one dose once a week is useful
12:53:13 From Maura : Important to check the brands - some have very harmful inactive ingredients
12:53:22 From Donna : Reacted to "That's my understand..." with ❤️
12:53:49 From Brenda : Replying to "So, for long covid, ..."

I am familiar with that. So do it with the ivermectin and nattokinase?
12:53:56 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I am checking for probiotics with bifido - megaspore does not. Equlibriumprobiotic - not sure - I wrote to the company - but bravo does.
12:54:36 From Steve : Replying to "So, for long covid, ..."

Iver is not part of Dr. Ardis protocol. Nicotine patches, EDTA, and binders
12:55:23 From Dean : truBifido pro I like
12:55:33 From Dr. Tom Lewis : For long covid - important to take ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine together. And, take high doses of cod liver oil or other vitamin A/D strategy. We can help you understand how to do the Brownstein protocol but I do not give it out without a consult….
12:55:35 From Maura : Replying to "So, for long covid, …"
12:55:48 From Brenda : Replying to "So, for long covid, ..."

right, thank you
12:55:52 From Steve : Replying to "So, for long covid, ..."

Nicotine is far more effective than iver to dislodge venom from the nicotinic receptors.
12:56:17 From Martha Stark, MD : Reacted to "https://covid19criti..." with ❤️
12:56:38 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Dr. Halasa will repeating this to some extent Wednesday at 8pm
12:57:12 From Laura Custer Galloway : Replying to "Dr. Halasa will repe..."

thank you! He is going so fast I am missing part of it.
12:57:37 From Doris Fellenz : Me too Laura.
12:57:44 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Dr. Halasa will repe..."

Laura – only “part”? 🙂
12:57:48 From Lolita Smith : As a preventative against covid, would you recommend taking ivermectin and would it be best to take with food?
12:57:57 From Brenda : Maybe he’ll summarize at the end.
12:57:59 From Maura : Replying to "So, for long covid, …"
The intermittent fasting too
12:58:08 From Steve : NIH has finally admitted that the alpha-7 Nicotinic receptor is the target, not ACE-2
12:58:21 From iPad : Replying to "Dr. Halasa will repe…"
12:58:48 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Brenda: Hydroxychloroquine too. Contact Inga Savage at 704.258.8525
12:58:58 From Steve : Replying to "Dr. Halasa will repe..."

Hopefully this can be posted before Wednesday night so we can review before followup
12:59:06 From Maura : Replying to "truBifido pro I like"
Where do you get it ?
12:59:11 From Mike Boehmer : Reacted to "https://covid19criti…" with ❤️
12:59:12 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "NIH has finally admi..."

Very important statement here that we should all digest
12:59:14 From Mike Boehmer : Replying to "So, for long covid, …"
FLCCC has the most well researched peer reviewed protocol I have seen.
12:59:24 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Take ivermectin with food for covid
12:59:33 From Maura : Reacted to "Dr. Halasa will repe…" with 👍
12:59:52 From Maura : Reacted to "NIH has finally admi…" with 👍
13:00:09 From Joy Gentle : Steve made a very important statement above regarding the alpha 7 nicotinic receptor vs. the ACE2 receptor.
13:00:53 From Maura : Reacted to "Steve made a very im…" with 👍
13:01:04 From leslie : I tried nicotine lozenge and it made me really ill for an hour. Any suggestions?
13:01:17 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Jaedyn Tillery(privately) : See if you can call Dr. Harshfield - ask him
13:01:27 From Maura : Does adding Pao D’arco tea help
13:01:34 From Steve : Chrysin very good for estrogen dom
13:02:02 From Jaedyn Tillery To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : I am taking a probiotic break so I can do the SIBO breath test on 10/19. Can I share this with you once the results are back? Maybe then you can help me decide on a protocol... either yours vs. what GI map recommended. I took a whole bottle of Novel Biome FMT Saturday, but I only had just that one. & Okay I will write Harshfield now.
13:02:07 From Steve : Replying to "I tried nicotine loz..."

YES, lower the dose. You herxed due to high levels of venom in your body.
13:02:09 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "Does adding Pao D’ar..."

I love Pau d'Arco tea.
13:02:38 From Maura : Living in sympathetic mode not good
Vagus needs to be reset
13:02:48 From Brenda : Replying to "I tried nicotine loz..."

Steve, have you done that protocol?
13:02:59 From Steve : Most of us are Th2 dominant as well. Need to balance.
13:03:04 From Lolita Smith : I had brought ivermectin that comes from a company that was marketed in India by a company called Knoll Healthcare PVT, LTD manufacture by VIP Pharmaceutical PVT. I NEVER TOOK IT DUE TO BEING UNCERTAIN OF IT'S SOURCE. DO YOU THINK THIS BRAND IS SAFE TO TAKE?
13:03:33 From Steve : Replying to "I had brought iverme..."

what was your cost per capsule?
13:03:34 From Brenda : Replying to "I tried nicotine loz..."

If so, do you know timing of the edta and apple pectin and if it is with or without food?
13:03:47 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Bravo has several Bifidos
13:04:09 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "I had brought iverme..."

Lolita – I, personally, would never take it unless I was totally sure of the source…
13:04:14 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Freeze-Dried Bravo and Edestiny. You can purchase them directly at a discount here:
Promo Code: Lewis25

Bravo products contain GcMAF, known to be an anti-viral / anti-cancer agent.
13:04:22 From Brenda : Should we make the bravo yogurt, or is taking the capsules okay?
13:04:30 From Steve : Replying to "I tried nicotine loz..."

@Brenda I do the patch every day, then protolytics, then PectaSol/Bent.Clay. So, a modified Ardis protocol
13:04:45 From iPhone (178) : What strains of bifido or doesn’t it matter. Thanks
13:05:06 From Steve : Replying to "I tried nicotine loz..."

I am researching the best EDTA for me, and will include.
13:05:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis : More strains the better… all new research
13:05:16 From Joy Gentle : Dumb question - is there a blood test to measure Th1, Th2, Th17?
13:05:32 From iPad : Replying to "I tried nicotine loz…"
I haven’t added patches yet myself, but know someone who has! They cut a 7mg patch into 3 stripes to start, 1 strip for 12 hours! @Steve I also believe we can now get the EDTA on Dr Ardis sight, is this correct?
13:05:32 From Martha Stark, MD : Reacted to "Dumb question - is t..." with 👍
13:05:36 From iPhone To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Contact info fo Dr and his website?
13:05:46 From Maura : Replying to "Does adding Pao D’ar…"
I ran out -it’s been a long g time - where are you getting yours from
I need to get more
13:05:48 From Jaedyn Tillery : Replying to "Freeze-Dried Bravo a..."

Dr. Lewis, What is the edestiny? I only ordered the bravo.
13:05:53 From Dr. Tom Lewis : EDestiny from Bravo is hemp based for those concerned about dairy. However, my daughter is extremely sensitive to dairy and does fine on Bravo
13:06:18 From Jaedyn Tillery : Replying to "EDestiny from Bravo ..."

same strains though in edestiny vs bravo?
13:06:22 From Martha Stark, MD : Everybody – remember that you can “save” the “chat” by clicking on those three little dots at the bottom of the “chat box” – today would be a great day to “save”!!
13:06:23 From Doris Fellenz : A male friend of the family died of breast cancer after getting all the jabs. Don't know if jabs are the cause.
13:06:30 From Brenda : Replying to "I tried nicotine loz..."

Yes, Dr Ardis has new liposomal EDTA made by global healing.
13:06:49 From Steve : Replying to "I tried nicotine loz..."

Yes, that's correct re edta on his site. I still research tho.

I'd up that 7mg patch to the 14mg and cut that up. Try to use 3mg at a time.
13:06:52 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "Does adding Pao D’ar..."

Maura, I buy Pau d'Arco in bulk. For example, Frontier Co-op 1 pound bags.
13:06:53 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Replying to "EDestiny from Bravo ..."

Yes, from what I can see but they do not list all
13:07:05 From Steve : Replying to "I tried nicotine loz..."

More cost effective
13:07:29 From Steve : Replying to "EDestiny from Bravo ..."

Good to know!!!!
13:08:27 From iPad : Reacted to "Yes, that's correct …" with 🙏
13:08:28 From Maura : Replying to "Does adding Pao D’ar…"
Perfect Joy Im going to get it from them
13:08:31 From iPad : Reacted to "More cost effective" with ❤️
13:09:06 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "Does adding Pao D’ar..."

Mountain Rose Herbs another good source. I look for the sales. Vitacost sells Frontier products, sometimes with good sales.
13:09:11 From wetrng : Replying to "Everybody – remember..."

Many Thanks Dr Stark
13:09:28 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Salaheldin Halasa(privately) : This is Tom Lewis - my cell is 865.235.4998. I would like to show you our program and proposal…
13:09:44 From Shoshanna : Thank you. Excellent presentation!
13:09:55 From Bill Hensley : Reacted to "Everybody – remember…" with 😔
13:11:51 From Maura : Replying to "EDestiny from Bravo …"
Yes I did fine on it too and am extremely reactive to dairy

Also I got local raw milk and did fine. Interesting
13:12:30 From Brenda : Replying to "EDestiny from Bravo ..."

Did you make the yogurt?
13:12:46 From Maura : Replying to "Does adding Pao D’ar…"
Good to know
Love tra
13:12:51 From Maura : Replying to "Does adding Pao D’ar…"
13:13:17 From Donna : Thank you

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