🔵Entheogenic Osiris - RN Vooght : 299

1 year ago

RN Vooght is an author, researcher and YouTuber investigating ancient civilisations, esoteric symbology and how these areas link with Shamanic practice and the use of entheogens, such as DMT.

This has led to the publication of a three book series: Ancient Cosmological Gods, And Where In The World Find Them.
Rich has also had his work published on Graham Hancock's website and was featured as July’s ‘Author Of The Month’.

Metaphysics, mind altering substances, myth, history and the occult, all come together within Rich's work.

For more information on Rich’s work, follow these links:
Books - https://www.amazon.co.uk/R-N-Vooght/e/B077GH2Z6G/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
Twitter - https://x.com/VooghtRN?s=20
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@rnvooght2643/featured

#esoteric #DMT #myths


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Producer Credits for Ep 299: Jonny Fogg, Helen, Emma Bridges, Aliyah, Lee from The Big Conspire


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