Cake pigeon's milk

8 months ago

3pcs - yolk
250g - sugar
3 tbsp - corn starch
400g - milk
300g - butter
1 pack - vanillin

We warm the milk. Mix the yolks with sugar and add starch. Gradually, constantly mixing, add 100 g of warm milk until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, mix this solution with the remaining milk and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened, as in the video.
Transfer the contents to another container, cover with film and let cool.
Beat 300g of butter at room temperature with a mixer for about 5 minutes and gradually add the already cooled mass, one tablespoon at a time. And beat until done. At the very end, add vanillin (you can use a tablespoon of cognac)

1 part:
4 tbsp - honey
0.5 tsp/l - soda
50g - butter

Part 2:
5pcs - egg
250g - sugar
80g - butter
3 tbsp - milk
600g - flour
1 tsp - soda
1 tsp - vinegar 9%

1 part:
Mix honey with soda and place on low heat, stirring constantly until it turns dark caramel in color (as in the video). Added butter.

Part 3:
Mix eggs with sugar and butter and place in a water bath. Stir until the oil dissolves.
Add 1 part of the dough to the solution and cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat and immediately add vinegar and soda. Add 200g of flour to the hot dough and let cool.
After cooling, add the remaining flour and knead it until you get a “non-sticky” dough.
Divide into 5 parts and roll out to the desired shape. We make punctures with a fork.
And put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5-6 minutes (until ready).
We assemble the cakes, brushing each layer with cream. Reserve the top for icing.
We wrap it in film and leave it to rest (I left it overnight, so the layers become smoother).

3tbsp - cocoa
100g - sugar
8-9 tbsp/l - water
1 tbsp - vegetable oil
1 tbsp - cognac

Mix cocoa sugar and water until smooth and place on the stove over low heat for 5-7, stirring constantly. (until bubbles appear)
Add butter and cognac and remove from the stove.

Pour warm glaze over the cake.

Bon appetit ❤️

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