Nuclear Option | Aircraft Review | SAH-41 Chicane

11 months ago

The SAH-41 Chicane is a ground attack helicopter with emphasis on stealth and low ground flight. Sporting a massive AGM-48 payload, the Chicane is able to saturate large areas of the battlefield with low yield ordinance sufficient to overwhelm air defenses and other lightly armored threats. With typical engagement range under ten kilometers, the Chicane prefers localized attacks on targets within visual range, though a few of its ordinance options offer greater range at the cost of payload capacity.

Taken as a whole, the Chicane is best deployed alongside ground vehicles and with air focused escorts like the Compass or Revoker, creating an effective screen against ranged AA and other aircraft able to close with the Chicane. Hostiles seeking to attack the Chicane should always attack from above the rotor line, ideally from behind its wings, where incoming rounds are likely to damage the tail and turbines.

0:00 Intro
0:36 Brawler & Archer
0:58 Handling
1:28 Low IR
1:51 Guns & Flack
2:01 The Turret
2:41 Ground Attack
3:10 Logistics
3:41 Stealth
4:46 Beware AGM
5:07 Conclusion
6:20 Closing

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