Political Prisoner Sean McHugh's final call from DC Gulag 10/9/23

1 year ago

We say farewell for now to Sean McHugh after his sentence of 6.5 years on Sept 7th with 28 months credit. He is hopeful that he will be sent to Lompoc CA and closer to home. 🙏
Keep looking for Sean's updated location for new address to write him, as we know once they are moved from the Gulag they lose the comradery of other J6er's together, and need to hear from Patriots to keep their spirits up! Also Darrell Neely is being moved so keep him in mind too. https://www.patriotmailproject.com/
Sean's GSG
Darrell Neely's GSG https://www.givesendgo.com/JusticeForOdinDarrellNeely

Watch the full Vigil here: https://www.youtube.com/@stormtrooper-hw4cd

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