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From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. [4K] 🌊🏞️🇵🇸✌🕊️

1 year ago

A Guest from Quds

قلنا: اجلس على السرير
We said: Sit on the chair

قال: كيف أجلس على السرير والقدس أسير
He said: How can I sit on the chair while Jerusalem is captive?

فهل عندك من القدس خطاب؟
Do you have a message from Jerusalem?

قال: معي من القدس سؤال يريد الجواب
He said: I have a question from Jerusalem that seeks an answer

أين الرجال؟
Where are the men?

أين أحفاد خالد وسعد وبلال؟
Where are the descendants of Khalid, Saad, and Bilal?

هؤلاء ماتوا من زمان
These have died a long time ago

وخلت منهم الأوطان
And their homelands are empty of them

لماذا تغيّر الآباء على الأبناء؟
Why did the fathers change towards their sons?

قلنا: الآباء
We said: The fathers

كانت بيوتهم المساجد
Their homes were the mosques

ما بين راكع وساجد
Between bowing and prostrating

وخاشع وعابد
Humble and worshiper

وصائم ومجاهد
Fasting and striving

أما الأبناء
As for the sons

فبيوتهم المقاهي
Their homes are the cafes

ما بين مغني ولاهي
Between a singer and being distracted

ومن بماله يباهي
And one who flaunts his wealth

إلا من رحمه إلهي
Except for those whom God has mercy on

Where are the men?

Where are the defenders of Quds?

Free Palestine!

#FreePalestine #Jerusalem #Palestine #Muslim #Islam #Justice #Quds #القدس


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