Driving thru volatile informal settlement in Cape Town, Vrygrond

11 months ago

Risky trip through one of the oldest, and most dangerous informal settlements in Cape Town, Vrygrond near the tourist hotspots of the South Peninsula. Known for it's high crime rate, violent protest action and poverty within. One of the first informal settlements in Cape Town, reportedly first officially settled in 1942 by trek fishermen after the nomadic Khoi people had been moved on many years before. This historic area has seen a lot of ups and down over the years, with forced eviction during the dark days of Apartheid, spiraling unemployment and rampant crime. This is not an area that you want to visit at night. My camera nearly got stolen off the car on this journey, further highlighting the dangers of the area, which has so much potential, given's prime location on the M5 and close to the sea.

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