(8 Echo) The Game Plan

1 year ago

[Chapter 8 Echo: The Game Plan]

I am going to write about how New Jerusalem was (or will be depending on your perspective of time). I will probably be in New Jerusalem by the time you read this. The Spirit of the Creator has allowed me to relay information from my experiences back in time for me to be able to write this.

As you probably know, New Jerusalem has 12 foundation stones and twelve gates made out of pearls. The streets are not made out of asphalt, but rather diamonds laced with gold to make it look like golden transparent glass. Imagine a society with technology from billions of years into the future. That is what New Jerusalem was like. The buildings were made out of a type of programmable matter that could rearrange themselves however they were programmed to. After they form the desired structure, they freeze themselves in shape with a lock like cement hardening. The programmable matter was self-replicating technology that could grow like a time-lapsed video of a plant growing.

There was a type of “teleportation” device that could move faster than light. Because it moved faster than light, it created a shockwave of light as you “teleported”. It looked like a flash of lightning. This is what the Rapture Event probably looked like to other people’s perspective: flashes of lightning going down then back up.

The Enemy, Satan, used one of these teleportation devices when he fell to earth like lightning. The Victor used one of these teleportation devices when he came as lightning visible from East to West. The angels use this type of teleportation device when they appear like lightning. The myths about Thor and Zeus having the power of lightning are from angels descending using this teleportation device.

The teleportation device creates an “anti-time-dilation bubble” making time outside the bubble seem to slow down and stop. The Bubble travels faster than light creating a shockwave of light outside the bubble.

Some people think that in New Jerusalem everyone always wears white robes. This is not the case. The white robes are for special ceremonies, but we wear other clothing on other occasions.

There were crowns necklaces, rings, and bracelets with gemstones on them. The gemstones were actually data storage crystals, so they served a functional purpose in addition to being aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. We would store our personal information on the data crystals for us to always have available wherever we went.

The clothing we often wore in public were regal looking attire with capes. It was evident that the Enemy, Satan, had copied from what he had seen in heaven for what he implemented on Earth. Everything on Earth looked like a cheap knock-off imitation of what was in New Jerusalem.

There was a type of “viewing scroll” where you would link the data crystals to the viewing scroll to view the contents. The viewing scroll was like a touch pad screen except using 3D holograms combined with a 4D printer. The 4D printer can print moving shapes with 3D images projected onto them to give them the appearance of color and texture.

The plants were alive with a collective conscious soul and a hive mind. The plants would actually sing and make music. They could move, dance, and interact with you using fragrances released in a sequence like a song. It was as if plants on earth were in “black and white” and the plants in New Jerusalem were in “living color”. Everything on earth seems like a fake counterfeit of the real thing in New Jerusalem. It was as if everything on Earth had gotten an “upgrade”. The things on Earth were like a “wooden puppet” whereas the things in New Jerusalem were like a “real boy”.

The new immortal bodies were like a “mantis shrimp” in that they had more types of cone cells for detecting color (i.e. red, green, blue). The immortal bodies had 12 types of “cone cells”, so everything seemed more vibrant and colorful. The immortal eyes could also see outside the visible spectrum of light, so we could all see with “X-ray vision”.

For communication, there was a sort of mental telepathy where you could share memories or thoughts with each other for quick communication.

There was also a virtual reality internet simulated environment and augmented reality environment that resembles the movies “The Matrix” and “They Live”. You could select which program environment to run like someone selects a movie to watch on Netflix. The program environments were called “Realms”. There were many souls and minds within these Realms all experiencing a simulated environment. There were lots of “citizens” who could enter or leave the Realms multiple times like a time-traveler. There were “slaves of war” who were permanently imprisoned in a Realm like an AI Program in “West World”. The slaves of war had gotten their sentence of being thrown into the lake of fire commuted to being trapped in a virtual reality environment. The slaves of war bent the knee to the victor at the last possible opportunity and had no eternal inheritance nor eternal rewards. They were essentially “homeless”. They were the ones no one wanted to be their servants in their estates because they were more trouble than they were worth. They became extra characters in video games essentially and were physically stored in a type of stasis called “outer darkness” outside the gates of New Jerusalem according to Revelation 22:15.

There was temporal reception utilized to optimize everything in a way that didn’t violate causality.

When you played a “video game” in one of the Realms, the slaves of war would retroactively be trained on how to play their part in the game so everything was immediately ready the moment a “citizen” entered the Realm and started playing the “video game”.

The temporal reception was also used to optimize things in the “real world”, so everything would be done retroactively to be ready the moment you asked for it. Temporal reception was able to eliminate the “waiting time” by retroactively doing everything in the past.

There were “restaurants” where you would place your order and a moment later you would be served or have food delivered to your estate because the order was placed retroactively using temporal reception. The inventories of all perishable items were done efficiently because restaurants knew exactly what orders were going to be placed in advance. There was essentially no wasted food.

The streets made out of diamonds laced with gold were actually data storage centers for the “Library” and virtual reality/augmented reality Realms. Information was encoded into the diamond crystal structure and retrieved using golden nanotechnology.

There was a “quantum computer” that acted as the computer processor for the “Library”.

There were historical records for the past, present, and future. This information was also incorporated into the Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Realms by an artificial intelligence to make them more realistic.

Everything in New Jerusalem was aesthetically pleasing to the senses, but they also served a practical purpose. The Creator is like a master architect where “Form Follows Function”. Everything also was designed to be symbolic of something important or special. There were a lot of symbols and metaphors incorporated into the design of everything.

The human body was designed to be symbolic of things that exist in New Jerusalem. The Creator is the “head” and the four living creatures are the “limbs”. The Creator is the “Thumb” and the four living creatures are the “fingers”.

There is also a type of sacred technology that seemed to violate energy conservation that involved a white hole and a black hole. Male and female sexuality seems to be a symbol of this sacred technology. The white hole would eject matter into the black hole somehow “giving birth” to new matter; it seemed to use the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to create virtual particles of matter that would exist for a limited amount of time. That limited amount of time was then stretched to infinity using the time dilation from the black hole.

The legal system in New Jerusalem was very organized. While technically the Creator and Victor were in charge of everything and were “above the law”, they chose to not violate the citizen’s rights, which were “endowed” or “given” to them as “gifts”.

Everything was delegated to different Jurisdictions. It was like Federalism on a massive scale where there were layers of Jurisdictions that resembled a fractal pattern.

Everything was delegated perfectly so that everyone knew their Jurisdiction and what they were personally responsible for being in charge of.

For example, I owned an estate which included 36 residences. Each resident on my estate had jurisdiction over their own residence. The residences were in groups of 3 grouped into a “castle” with a common area on the second floor. The “noble” was one of the 3 residents and had jurisdiction over managing the common area on the second floor. There were 12 nobles with their “castles” arranged like numbers on a clock in 4 quadrants with 3 nobles in each quadrant. The noble of the middle castle of the quadrant was a king or queen of that quadrant. The king or queen had jurisdiction managing the area outside the residences within their quadrant.

I was also the “emperor” of the estate in charge of managing a “tic tac toe” hash sign/pound sign/number sign/octothrope, “#”, shaped set of walkways on the second floor that connected all of the common areas of the castles together.

My jurisdictions were as follows. I was an Emperor with jurisdiction over the second floor walkways. I was a king with jurisdiction over the outside area in my quadrant. I was a noble with jurisdiction over the common area on the second floor of my castle. I was a resident with jurisdiction over my residence.

If my estate were analogous to a galaxy, the galaxy would be broken into four quadrants. The residences would be hospitable star systems. The common areas would be an inner region of the galaxy that connect the star systems. The outside area would be the outer region of the galaxy. The walkways would be wormhole transpiration stations that connect different parts of the inner regions.

As an Emperor, I could delegate any of my responsibilities to another king or queen. As a king, I could delegate any of my responsibilities to an another noble in my quadrant. As a noble, I could delegate any of my responsibilities to a resident within my castle. The residents who were not nobles functioned like “servants” who were responsible for all the tasks delegated to them. There were 24 “servants” on my estate. There were 12 nobles (including me) on my estate. Each resident also had a personal angel they could delegate tasks to. On Earth “servant” has a lower class negative connotation to it, but in New Jerusalem it has a positive connotation according to Mark 9:35 and Matthew 20:25-26/Mark 10:42-43/Luke 22:25-26.

In New Jerusalem I was rich like Batman (or Bruce Wayne). My servants were trusted friends like Alfred (The Butler).

Unlike Batman (Bruce Wayne), I do not seek revenge but rather justice and mercy. Justice is sweet in contemplation, but is also nourishing in its execution when served with a side of mercy to complement it.

In the movie “Batman Returns”, Alfred symbolically serves Bruce a dish called “Vichyssoise”, which is a dish best served cold.

Wealth in an Eternal Society is different than wealth on Earth. On Earth people valued possessions and felt responsibilities to be a burden. In New Jerusalem people value responsibilities and excess possessions feel like a burden cluttering you life.

Wealth cane in several forms: (1) Honors and Accolades (2) Authority over minds and souls (3) Jurisdictions over certain responsibilities (4) Rate of data/resource usage (5) time.

Since all the citizens of New Jerusalem had eternal life, everyone was infinitely wealthy similar to the movie “In Time” with Justin Timberlake. However some citizens were more infinitely wealthy by having access to a larger rate of data/resource usage. As an analogy, you can think of it like a television where everyone was watching the same movie but some people saw the movie in higher definition. Continuing with the analogy, people with less rate of data usage had to wait for the movie to buffer if they wanted to watch the movie in higher definition, but the regular movie quality was so good it didn’t make much of a difference.

Since everyone had everything they needed and all their needs were met, recreation became one of the major industries.

The most creative people created new forms of art to entertain the population and earned awards and accolades for doing so. The new forms of art ranged from “mystery virtual reality games” to “new types of sentient artificial intelligence civilizations”. The awards were based on objective merit and were unrestricted in quantities rather than restricted in quantities based on subjective votes to make it a “win-win” cooperative awards ceremony rather than a “zero-sum” competitive awards ceremony. It was more like earning karate belts or merit badges than winning a popularity vote contest. It was more like than grading based on a fixed standard than grading on a bell shaped curve.

2 Corinthians 10:12 warns against giving grades and awards without a fixed standard, which can lead to harmful things like unhealthy malicious competition or grade inflation. On Earth it was easy to spot the bad professors who used a “bell curve” to hide their poor teaching.

The qualities that were most valued in people were creativity, curiosity, selflessness, diligence, discipline, perseverance, patience, trust, faith, hope, and love. The different recreational games were categorized by the different components of physical endurance/strength, skill, strategy, and luck that were used. The professional gamers were given a ranking score based on their training, practice, and planning.

There was one game that was “forbidden” called “fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. It seems like a long title, but it seemed like a shorter title in its original angelic language. The game was forbidden because it encouraged sedition against the heavenly government by brainwashing its participants via subconscious subliminal conditioning of triggers to get them to rebel against the Creator and by participating in acts of lawlessness. Anyone who played the game and “failed” by reveling against the Creator or participating in lawlessness would have to be tortured and/or banished by the Creator’s laws. Anyone who played the game and “won” (which was virtually impossible without the help of the Victor) would receive a share of the spoils of war from taken from all the people who “failed”. The game “fruit from the knowledge of good and evil” was basically a type of gambling similar to a hybrid of a Ponzi scheme and Russian Roulette combined together. The winning team would split the “spoils of war” according to a “win win” game theory division. The losing team would lose all their eternal wealth and be banished/tortured forever in the lake of fire.

The game was forbidden in the sense that if you played and lost, you lost everything. The problem was that so many people joined the game just to keep the game going because they were hoping to save someone else trapped in the game on the losing side. There were billions of souls trapped in the game, so the Creator had to intervene by sending the Victor to win the game using a gambit strategy that requires the Victor to be tortured, killed, and resurrected, so that the butterfly effects from the strategy would indirectly win the game thousands of years later.

Before the Victor came, the Enemy thought he had already won the game and was baiting more people to join to steal their wealth and destroy them. The Victor turned the tables on the Enemy and his team. Once the Enemy realized he had lost the game, his strategy shifted to trying to stall the game indefinitely while preventing his teammates from defecting to the winning team. The game would eventually end from cosmic events that would begin a little under 2000 years after the Victor’s death and resurrection. The Enemy was trying to live extravagantly at other people’s expense using a pyramid scheme to enjoy what little time he had left. The Enemy figured out a way to prevent his teammates from defecting to the winning team using “The Mark of the Beast. The Victor would be unable to save the people who took the Mark of the Beast in their right hand or forehead. The Victor would have to “rapture” out his team shortly before the Mark of the Beast was implemented.

The Victor delayed the implementation of the Mark of the Beast as long as possible to get as many people to defect to his team before the “Rapture Event”. There was an asteroid strike set to hit the Earth a little under 2000 years after the Victor’s death and resurrection in the game.

The United States of America could have retroactively sent a message back in time via temporal reception to have a covert agency called “Space Force” secretly create a fleet of spacecraft to deflect or neutralize the incoming asteroids. The fleet of spacecraft would have to be built secretly in temporal isolation so as to not create a causal paradox. If the primary asteroids were deflected or neutralized, it would allow the game to continue for another 10 years according to Psalm 90:10. Eventually a cosmic event is going to end the game. The year 2028 seems to be the latest year the Rapture Event can be postponed to. However the Enemy wants to use the chaos created by an Asteroid impact to take over the world using his pyramid scheme during a 7 year period after the rapture.

The Enemy has developed RFID, quantum dot tattoo, and genetic modifying vaccines to use toward the implementation of the Mark of the Beast.

Anyone who takes the Mark of the Beast in their right hand or forehead will no longer be able to defect to the Victor’s team and will therefore be doomed to be tortured and banished forever in the Lake of Fire after the 7 year period ends.

The Mark of the Beast will make you no longer human. You will be a genetically modified organism with your own cells producing mind altering drugs with a backdoor in your nervous-system where electromagnetic-waves can be used to remotely turn you neurons on and off to control and manipulate your brain. They are essentially “terraforming” your brain and body to be the host for demons.

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