11 months ago

Joe Biden, the U.S. President, known for changing his stance as frequently as his ice cream flavors, has once again made a notable shift. He had previously assured National Public Radio that there would be no further construction of the border wall during his administration. While that statement holds technically true, his administration is now bypassing 26 legal obstacles to erect an additional 17 miles of border wall in Starr County, Texas. Given that millions of undocumented immigrants have already crossed the border during Biden's tenure, this effort might seem like closing the barn door after the horse has already bolted northward. Nonetheless, we can acknowledge this somewhat lackluster and belated attempt, as long as the construction teams ensure a sturdy barrier without any gaps, holes, or doors. The question arises: why the sudden change? Could it be that someone reminded Joe, or made the decision for him, that it's election season again, and that the American populace is growing weary of the issues stemming from an open border? Perhaps a wave of Democratic representatives anticipates the need to explain their positions to their constituents. One can only wonder if their Republican rivals will highlight Biden's flip-flop on the border wall, which occurred shortly after his administration sold off the remaining materials stockpiled by President Trump for the wall, originally costing taxpayers $300 million but sold for a mere $2 million. Now, Congress must allocate additional funds to complete the project, displaying a level of planning reminiscent of Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal. One can't help but wonder if any individuals within the Beltway profited along the way. It's a question worth asking. At Restoring Justice US, our mission is to prevent history from repeating itself. To learn more about our initiatives and how you can contribute, please visit our website.!/donation/checkout

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