Breaking News on what’s happening in Israel and how to understand it and pray. | Lance Wallnau

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Breaking News on what’s happening in Israel and how to understand it and pray.
Satan chose the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles- Oct 6th for the attack. Why? It is the last day and most significant day at the end of Tabernacles. It is the exact day when Jesus cried out that He alone was the answer to mankind’s thirsting soul. Tabernacles is the prophetic final feast that corresponds to the end time harvest.
Satan wants to disrupt God’s revival and harvest of nations just like he disrupted the 2020 U.S. election with Wuhan’s virus…

1. Pray that God blocks and mutes the ability of lying media in Arab and EU nations especially, as Satan seeks to lie about what has happened. As one analyst put it, “Contrary to most Western reporting, the terrorists' cynical slaughter of defenceless civilians, raping women and kidnapping others, gets little mention in the Arab media.
Rather, images of the 'victims' of Israeli retaliation are the ones shown on television stations throughout the Middle East.
In the heart of this maelstrom, Arab leaders now face pressure from below to pick a side. Saudi Arabia has already cancelled any plans to deal with Israel and appears to blame Israel for the violence inflicted on it.”
Pray for Trumpets of truth in media, especially social media to thwart Middle East propaganda. Hell will try to stir up the spirit of war and victimization among Muslims by making it look like Israel is persecuting the innocent Palestinians.
2. Pray for supernatural deliverance of captives and supernatural intelligence to Israeli counter measures from this day forth.
3. Do not hate the 2.3 million Palestinian people. They are governed by an ISIS type governing with Hamas. However… there is a retired Palestinian General who is also a business man who seeks the welfare of his people and peace with Israel. He does not hate the Jews. This modern day Nehemiah is alive and in the wings. The radicals would like to kill him but he is the leader who can change this from within.
4. Pray for a swift and dramatic degrading of Hamas and removal of Mahmoud Abbas their useless puppet President and call forth a new government that serves its people.
5. Pray God uses the military intelligence failure in Israel as a way of humbling them toward faith in God alone and not man as their only hope of deliverance and protection.
6. Pray this war is held back from expansion and that it will right now set in motion the deliverance of Trump from Satans traps to position him as a war time President leading the United States. We need 4 years of divine restraint on the globe for the sake of the harvest. Pray Daniel 11:1 for Trump.
7. Satan chose the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles- Oct 6th. Why? It is the prophetic feast of the end time harvest. He wants to disrupt God’s revival and harvest of nations just like he disrupted the 2020 U.S. election with Wuhan …BUT this time SATAN SHALL FAIL.

Podcast Episode #1157: Breaking News on what’s happening in Israel and how to understand it and pray | Catch it while it's hot! Listen to more episodes of the Lance Wallnau Show at

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