Why anytime there is a crisis on the other side of the globe-my tax dollars that get sent?

9 months ago

Why is it anytime there is a crisis on the other side of the globe, it’s my tax dollars that get sent?

Our government already funds Israel and Iran/Hamas with US tax dollars, just to need more money once violence breaks out, with the weapons our tax money purchased for Ukraine.

No matter how you slice it, American labor funds terrorism around the world. We go to work all day, so the government can siphon trillions off of our labor, then they send billions of our taxes annually to Israel and Iran, who use the funding to attack each other, which requires more US tax dollars to clean up the mess.

Not only does the US government steal your money, they use it to create all the problems of the world, so they always have an endless need for your money.

The cycle never ends. The American people have an annual subscription to the war machine, and we can’t get off the ride. 🤔✌️

#staycuriousANDkeepsmilin #truthSoldiers

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