#250 Old money

1 year ago

"Old money" refers to wealth that has been in a family for multiple generations. It typically contrasts with "new money," which refers to wealth that has been recently acquired or generated within a relatively short period of time. Old money is often associated with established, aristocratic, or wealthy families who have maintained their wealth and social status over several generations.
Characteristics of old money may include a long history of wealth and privilege, a sense of tradition and culture, and an established presence in high society. Old-money families may have inherited their wealth through inheritance, land ownership, or investments that have been passed down through the generations.
In contrast, new money refers to individuals or families who have recently acquired significant wealth, often through entrepreneurial success, business ventures, or other means. New-money individuals may not have the same long-standing social connections and cultural traditions associated with old money.
It's important to note that these terms can be somewhat subjective and are often used in discussions about social class and wealth, and they can carry different connotations in different contexts.

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