Interview 588 with Carmen Croitoru

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In short Carmen is a Magical Being with Cool Super Powers; Energy/Intuitive Healer; Light Worker/Animal Lover/Truth Seeker/Spiritual Ass-Kicker; and she strives to be a ray of sunshine and love in this world.
You can find Carmen at
Born and raised during the communist regime in Romania, Carmen moved to the United States in 1986.
Since taking full ownership of her Universe and stepping into her own complete knowingness that she truly is meant to help people heal themselves, Carmen has been happily helping people on their healing journeys in all kinds of ways.
“I work with and live in Love and Light every day. I am protected by God’s love, and his armor is around me. I’ve always known that I am God’s most precious being (and So Are You), and God lives in me/as me. We Are One.”
“I'm proud to be a natural energy sensitive/intuitive/psychic/healer, full of love, light, and magic... and I still talk with spirits, plants, animals, rocks, wounds, etc... This is a magical time that I am living in.”
“I love helping others heal themselves. I love knowing that I did something to help someone in need. I’m here at this time/in this time to help usher in the Aquarian Age and to help solidify the Golden Age Timeline. I am grateful and blessed to be doing my share to facilitate the transformation of the planet and the ascension process by helping to bring people back into their natural/optimal state of balance, wholeness, and vitality. When You Know Who and What You Are, things flow with ease and joy. I so enjoy being a ray of sunshine and love in this world.”
Using her healing gifts and other ‘super powers’, Carmen offers Distance and In-Person sessions:
- ‘Conversation with God/Love/Universe’
- ‘Energetic Tune-Up’
- SCIO Advanced Quantum Biofeedback
- Intuitive Readings +
Carmen also creates products to help you on your healing journey….
- Intuited Essential Oil Blends specifically for Your ‘Issue’
- Balms, Sprays, Powders, Elderberry Tincture, and CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution)
- ‘True’ orgonite products (including Intuited Orgonite Pendants made specifically for one person) made to help you, your family, home, property, neighborhood, and the world
- Harold helps build the Croft Terminator and T-Rex Zappers, and you can purchase them on .
Carmen and Harold are blessed to have been friends with Carol and Don Croft for many years, and learned to make ‘true’ orgonite the way Carol and Don originally made it when they started the grassroots ‘Gifting’ Orgonite movement. Harold has been helping make the zappers since Don Croft passed away.

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