S3 Ep37 Barbarians at the Gates of Jerusalem

9 months ago

We clarify a couple of issues from recent podcasts and then move on to the war in Israel. We discuss, further, Israel's place in the current age and the place the current war might have in God's future plans for Israel. Israel is surely in the land today in unbelief. God has a plan for the earth (most of scripture concerns God's dealings with the earth), but God is currently out a company whose destiny is in the far above the heavens (Ephesians).

Regardless of prophecy, we must always defend the helpless. We must resist the world's desire to draw a moral equivalency where this is none and, worse, its attempts at excusing barbarism.

There is a lot of hatred aimed at Israel from among confessed believers. We know the gospel is opposed in Israel, we know some Orthodox spit on evangelists, but that is far cry from rape, torture, murder, and terrorism.


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