King James Bible Vs the NLT-New living testament is there a differance ?

1 year ago

We feel the NLT Needs to be learned hand in hand with the KJV ,,1600's English is hard-to get-
We lost 300 books Enoch told his kids to give them to all -where are they get them out. Only Guy who saw Gods face and we do not have all his book who Was told to him by God...? If it seems stupid now should #c-no news
We fight over subtle difference but this is not , after a year of banging my head reading the king James bible I Picked up the N.L.T.Boom I got my mission and the truth ...walk like Jesus go sin no more unless you want not sin again(walk right ) New Living trans -Thank God for this helped me more than you would know maybe its just me but 1600 English is not my strong suit !

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