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"Do You Believe in Aliens?"

1 year ago

Short Excerpt from 1/10/2013 The Edge Broadcast with Daniel Ott's Q & A Interview with Pastor Doug Riggs. Doug was asked if he'd ever met an alien. This was his succinct and clear answer.

I will be posting the full interview 10/18/2023 which deals with the following:
Genesis 6 Project; Trauma-based Mind Control; Dr. Josef Mengele; Genesis 6 Hybrid Breeding Program; undetectable hybrid species; transhumanism; Nazi eugenics; Super Soldiers; clones; FEMA camps; Illuminati; first-generation quintessential hybrids; MK Ultra; Manchurian Candidate; Prince Phillip; Princess Dianna; the Nephilim Project under Area 51; and more.

Check out our YouTube Channel and Doug's website: www.dougriggs.org


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