Two Roadz - Series 1 - Episode 1 #LawEnforcement

8 months ago

Two Roadz is an animated series based on the true story of two London Police Officers.

Two inseparable brothers in arms, they worked together, lived together, strived together and grieved together.

Unbeknownst to their initial undertakings, 'The Job' was about to take a turn for the worst.

A story of courage, brotherhood and sacrifice, Two Roadz sheds the true light on to what happened to the Metropolitan Police in London through the eyes of two young men, growing in their understanding and their horror as to the dying of their most beloved duty and calling in life.

Written by a former Met Police Officer using a modded GTA5, ElevenLabs & PowerDirector.

Two Roadz is a pro-police TV show that seeks to edify, inspire and reassure our brothers in blue, wherever they may be across the English speaking world.

It's the story they don't want you to see.


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