Russian Scientist photographs SOUL LEAVING BODY!! #UFO #Alien #ET #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

1 year ago

Proof: Watch the video with more evidences based on research findings of Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
***Read more about the Soul Transfer Technology in the description below.

Russian-born physicist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov is a true pioneer. His technological advances are setting innovative standards for the study of the human energy field, as well as generating a new understanding of reality.

Dr. Korotkov's research team has developed a camera that not only photographs plant (and human) energy fields, but is able to report on the effectiveness of medical remedies for specific conditions. It's called the GDV and it the old Kirlian cameras look like a bicycle compared to a Mercedes.

Watch the photo of the soul leaving the human body...

Why does the Government/Cabal deosn't want you to know about it??

Now we have technology to do Soul-Transfers too...

What is Soul Transfer Technology and 'Jump'?

That's very deep and EBEs are forbidden from this soul transfer technology here on planet Earth, where they can replace the damaged body of their abductees/experiment specimen, if for some reason the human body of the abductee is damaged or injured, they cure/repair it but if it's beyond cure/repair, they usually do a soul transfer to a newly created genetically identical cloned body (most of the times there are cloned body always ready for all the alien abductees) and transfer the memories too, so that their experiment can contiue on... even the secret projects have been using similar technology at least since mid 1980s... there are two ways they do it, one by leaving the 1st body behind in a suspended animation so they can return to get back in the same body at the place of origin, or the 2nd way is as soon as they leave the body on earth or at a point of originn of the jump, the body left behind disintigrates immediately, and the body to which their soul gets transferred to is compatible with the environment around and it can be anywhere in the universe...

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